Pregnant woman faints on the first day of Aero India show and gets treated in Columbia Asia Hospital Hebbal
Aero India, the aviation exhibition is one of the premier events that take place in Bangalore every year. The overall infrastructure and management add to the credibility of the show. A case that exemplified the agility and management capabilities of airforce doctors at the event is the way they handled the case of a 26-year-old woman who fainted on the first day of the show. Lakshi (name changed) had come to watch the aero show with her family on the first day. She was unaware of her pregnancy. While enjoying the show, she fainted and the family was concerned. The airforce doctors at the site immediately took her to the medical room and checked her hemoglobin levels. With minimal diagnostic facilities, they diagnosed her as a case of ruptured ectopic pregnancy at the site. Understanding the seriousness of the situation, they shifted her to the emergency department of Columbia Asia Hospital Hebbal owing to the advanced facilities in the hospital. Any delay in shifting her to the hospital could have been fatal. The patient was in shock when she was received as she had already lost a lot of blood due to internal bleeding. Dr. Vijaya Sherbet, Consultant, OBG, Columbia Asia Hospital Hebbal, and her team acted quickly and prepared the patient for laparoscopic surgery. In spite of an HB of 5 g/dl and hypovolemic shock, the competence, and confidence of the anesthesia team allowed her to be treated by minimal access surgery that is laparoscopic. Talking about the situation Dr. Vijaya Sherbet, Consultant, OBG, Columbia Asia Hospital Hebbal said “When the patient came to the hospital, she was in shock, her BP was low and pulse was feeble. The immediate response and clinical expertise of the airforce doctors at the site helped incorrect diagnosis and quick shift to the hospital. As soon as she was brought to the hospital, we confirmed the diagnosis and decided to perform laparoscopic surgery. Due to internal bleeding, we had to transfuse 3 units of blood to the patient”. The patient responded well to the treatment and was discharged within 48 hours from the hospital.
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