Ganesh Peth Gurudwara - Gurusingh Sabha
This Gurudwara is in Ganesh Peth. It is probably the first Gurudwara in Pune City. Local transportation such as Auto Rickshaws, P.M.T. buses are available to reach to this place.
Peculiarity about this place is the that it is open to people of all the religion. This Gurdwara is one of the oldest and biggest Gurdwaras of Pune.
The Gurudwara opens early in the morning with prayers, it starts with ‘Matha Tekna’, followed by ‘Japjisaheb’ (the morning prayer), ‘Kirtans’, then ‘Ardas’ and lastly the excerpts from the ‘Granth Saheb’ are read at random.
On every Sunday after the morning session – ‘Langar’ (a community Lunch) is served, adhering to the teaching of their first Guru, Guru Nanakdev, that all human beings on this Earth are equal and whatever is produce should be equally distributed among all. Hence everybody, irrespective of rich or poor, sit on the floor and eat. The birth anniversaries of the first guru, Guru Nanakdevji and tenth guru, Guru Govindsinghji are celebrated as festivals with great enthusiasm.
Guru Nanak Darbar
Guru Nanak Darbar is located in Pimpri, nearly 18 kms away from Pune Station. Local transportation such as Auto Rickshaws, P.M.T. buses and P.C.M.T buses are available to reach to this place.
Everyday the Darbar starts early in the morning at 5:00 am with the shabad kirtan . Bhandara is there on every Thursday, hence Devotees from different communities come here on this momentous day. Thursday evening between 7.30 and 9.00 pm a special Bhandara program is observed. There are more than 250 Sikh families in this area and more than 1,500 people gather over here on this day to take part in the Bhandara program.
Dashmesh Darbar
It was established in 1950. Local transportation such as Auto Rickshaws and P.M.T. buses are available to reach to this place. It is believed that the presence and strength of their 10th Guru, Guru Gobind Singh prevails in the entire area of the Gurudwara. According to Guru Gobind Singh, human being should never forget the holy ‘Granth’ be they in happiness or sorrow. Guru Nanak Jayanthi, Baisakhi and Guru Gobind Singh Jayanthi are the three significant days that are observed in this Gurudwara.
Gurdwara Shri Gurusingh Sabha
This Gurudwara is located in Khadki Bazaar, which is about 8 kms away from Pune Station. Local transportation such as Auto Rickshaws and P.M.T. buses are available to reach to this place. On Sundays, holy gathering is organised where in which conversations are held to enable devotees to spend the day immersed in the teachings of their Gurus. ‘Satsang’ is also held on this day between 7:00 am and 9:00 am. On Thursdays, ‘Satsang’ is held only for ladies. Some social activities like extending help to the needy and the poor towards their medical treatment are also undertaken in this Gurdwara.
Sapras Gurdwara
As the name suggests this Gurudwara is situated in Sapras. It is about 5 kms away from Pune Station. Local transportation such as Auto Rickshaws and P.M.T. buses are available to reach to this place. Sapras Gurdwara which is known for its serene and pleasant atmosphere, is located on the banks of the Mutha River at Sapras. The army maintains the Gurudwara and the place surrounding it. The daily shabad kirtan too is conducted by a person appointed by the Army. He also follows the ‘Adnyas’ (orders) of his Guru and performs other religious acts.
Nagpur Chawl Gurudwara
Sobharaj Khatani established Nagpur Chawl Gurudwara about 30 years ago. This place is about 4 kms away from Pune Station. Local transportation such as Auto Rickshaws and P.M.T. buses are available to reach to this place. Rituals and Prayers in this small place are carried out with high sanctity. shabad kirtans and Kirtans start at 5.30. pm. ‘Satsang’ is observed over here. Every Evening the ‘Sukhosana’ is performed at 7.30 pm. Guru Nanak Jayanthi and anniversary of Guru Gobind Singh are observed and celebrated at a stretch of three days and ‘Langar’ for all the devotees concludes the event.
Ramgodia Shivajinagar Gurdwara
Ramgodia Shivajinagar Gurdwara is situated at about 3kms away from Pune Station. Local transportation such as Auto Rickshaws and P.M.T. buses are available to reach to this place. The shabad kirtan Starts at 5:00 am, followed by ‘Raheras’ path and Kirtan is arranged between 11:00 am and 1:30 pm. More than 300 people participate in the ‘Langar’ which is held after the ‘Kirtan’. The amount collected through the ‘Daan’ (donations or offerings) by the people attending the Satsang is used to provide Financial to the Poor and the Needy by the Ramgodia Bhavan Committee.
Jai Jawan Nagar Gurdwara
Jai Jawan Nagar Gurdwara is situated in Yerwada Tehsil. This place is about 4 kms away from Pune Station. Local transportation such as Auto Rickshaws and P.M.T. buses are available to reach to this place. ‘Satsang’ is observed every Tuesday. About 100 Sikh families who stay in this area gather in the Gurdwara every Tuesday. Guru Nanak Jayanthi Guru Tegh Bahadur Jayanthi and Baisakhi are the days that are celebrated on a grand scale in this Gurdwara. On the Sankranti day a religious procession is arranged early in the morning.
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